If you have good credit and healthy spending habits, a good travel card can add hundreds of dollars to your travel budget every year. Applying for a second or third travel rewards credit card can help you get even more free travel and improve your credit score at the same time. Before I go on, […]
The Best Places to Stay in St. George, Utah
Need a great place to stay in St. George, Utah? The good news is that it’s hard to go wrong here. The St. George metro area is big enough to offer lots of lodging options for every budget but small enough that any location is fairly close to whatever you want to do. If there […]
12 Ways to Reduce Family Vacation Fighting
Fighting, drama, conflict… Whatever you call it, vacation fighting is one of the most challenging parts of any family trip. It’s natural that when members of a family spend many hours together, conflicts will happen. After all, most of us don’t bother to use our best behavior around our families. And vacations often push the […]
Review of Going (formerly Scott’s Cheap Flights)
Are you dreaming of international travel? Does the cost of airfare keep you grounded? For years, I dreamed of traveling to Europe, Asia, and other international destinations. We are a typical middle-class family with busy schedules, a mortgage, car payments, etc. I figured that if we saved our money long enough, we could eventually afford […]
What to Expect at the International Car Forest
Are you wondering what the International Car Forest is? Are you planning a road trip through Nevada and wondering if you should stop here? Should you take the kids? I can help. My family stopped at the International Car Forest on our way home from a road trip to Yosemite National Park. The International Car […]
3 Safe Places to Buy Discount Disney World Tickets
Are you looking for discount Disney World tickets? It’s a smart thing to do. Walt Disney World tickets are not cheap, and every bit of savings helps – especially when you’re buying for a family. Since you’re here, you must already know that some Walt Disney World ticket deals are too good to be true. […]